As a company with more than 12 years of experience in the African continent, and starting to open a market in China, creating a triangular export axis between Europe and these continents, we have become specialists in foreign trade with respect to these places.
We have set ourselves the objective of providing support services to all companies in Asturias and the rest of Spain that wish to market their goods and services abroad.
In this sense, the consultancy service provided by BEGO COSTA AFRICA & WORLDWIDE focuses on the resolution of the following lines of action for the implementation of the company in other markets.
The globalisation of a business is a complex process and, for this reason, drawing up an internationalisation plan is the initial step in assessing the company’s leap abroad. The internationalisation plan is the structuring of the business expansion strategy, where the company’s long-term goals and objectives are determined, the courses of action to be adopted are described and everything related to the allocation of resources necessary to achieve the proposed goal is specified.
The resolution of a series of questions such as the price at which my product is sold in a certain market, my main competitors or potential customers, the feasibility of diversifying a certain line of goods or services in an area can be resolved through market research.
Market studies consist of an in-depth analysis of a sector or economic activity or a reflection on broader competition problems and thus affect several sectors in common. With a view to promoting competition and good regulation, we prepare our studies following a systematic methodology to address the legal and economic characterisation, the behaviour and incentives of operators and the economic conditioning factors of the sectors analysed.
Do you have questions about foreign trade, do you want to know about export subsidies, do you have doubts about the clause of an international contract? We offer you continuous advice on all questions that may arise.